There is an abundance of websites about estate planning. The challenge is determining which are most useful. Here are some of the more informative and authoritative sites:
New York State Estates, Powers and Trusts DEFINITIONS.
New York State Estates, Powers and Trusts LAWS. Note: these are the actual laws and are not necessarily written for the layman, but you are welcome to take a look.
New York Family Health Care Decision Act. This page to the New York State Bar Association’s FHCDA Resource Center contains many helpful links.
If you are a VETERAN, you may be entitled to a burial allowance from the Veteran’s Administration to reimburse expenses. Here is a fact sheet from the VA.
Additionally, the VA will provide a United States flag upon request. This fact sheet provides further information.
If someone close to you was a NY state resident and was killed in combat or while on active duty in a hostile or imminent danger location within the last two years, and you paid the funeral and burial expenses, the New York State Division of Veterans’ Affairs provides a Supplemental Burial Allowance of up to $6,000.